
Soulscapes („peisajele sufletului”) sunt lucrări de artă unice și profund personale, pe care Daniela le-a creat în principal pentru a oferi inspiraţie şi susţinere vizuală după finalizarea unui demers de coaching.

Folosirea artei ca şi catalizator în procesele de transformare la nivel personal şi profesional are o îndelungată tradiție. Pentru unii oameni este perfect potrivită, pentru alţii nu, insă pentru oricine contează mediul vizual în care trăieşte şi munceşte.

Tablourile pe care le puteti vedea aici, chiar dacă au fost rezultatul unui proces de lucru cu o anumită persoană, pot oferi inspirație și poate o perspectivș nouă și celor care le privesc cu gândul de a-și reaminti propria viziune, scop, aspiraţie şi valori, în relaţia cu sine, cu ceilalţi, cu Universul.


Is this how the ”landscape of my soul” looks like? I don’t know. What I know for sure is that the image Daniela offered launches reflection themes every time I look at it. Thank you!

(Rares M. – Soulscape „Reflection”)

Daniela’s painting touched me deeply because it was not only a token of our friendship, but also a reflection of how she pictured me. I recognized many aspects of how I approach or would like to approach life and this made this “meeting with myself” an enriching experience.

(Nienke T. – Soulscape „Balance”)

The image you painted is indeed an excellent ”experience”! It helps me remember what is really important to me, to look upon conflicts with humor and to act to overcome them.

(Lucian I. – Soulscape „Wisdom and Joy”)

I was amazed at the image you could ”see” about my soul. Is ”it” so beautiful? When I look at the painting you made, I deeply feel that it’s not only how I would like my soul to be, but how I imagine I can be every moment of my life, when I am present and not engulfed in the daily routine. The painting is a perfect reminder of who I want to be and what I want to do in this world.

(Jan Fredrik P. – Soulscape „Transcendence”)

When I saw  this painting I saw a living human being who changes with the seasons and never fails… The Tree has given me a life that never ceases… Those who experience this painting will feel a blessing in their heart, both from the artist and from the person she has painted it for. Thanks so much, as I hope you will touch many more.

(Bjørn S. H. – Soulscape „I, The Tree”)

Daniela has a very honest, direct and practical way of explaining what she does, almost as if she is talking about something very ordinary and simple. I remember the wonderful authentic flow to our conversation as if everything just naturally expressed itself. Without realizing, I found myself speaking about the inner depths of who I am and what I feel. I think Daniela has a very beautiful way of creating a space of trust and openness that provides the mirror to our souls… When I received my “Soulscape” it took my breath away. Daniela’s painting is a tapestry of life. More than that, it’s a celebration of life. The colors, textures, movement, earthy groundedness, uplifting energy all merging into one experience of paradox and yet complete harmony. No words are really possible or necessary. Only gratitude in my heart. Thank you.

(Richard J. – Soulscape „Rich Heart”)

The way you managed to integrate the logo of the company into that image is astounding. It simply looks ”right” and I feel it’s indeed my company at its best, a symbol of integration of mind and spirit, technology and healing, the yin-yang of the new informational medicine.

(Jan Fredrik Poleszynski, CEO – Mission Portrait UNO VITA AS, Oslo)

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